Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sean Kelly

Kyle: Giving it Our All
[Kyle was a member of the "pit" during the season and switched to marching cymbals for the inaugural parade. Like many other band members, he helped raise funds for the trip. The top photo shows him outside King Soopers.]
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Priscilla: On Early Practices
When we get to DC, I'm looking forward to going to the Smithsonian because it is so big and has so many interesting things to see.
[This blog entry was dictated enroute to DC. Priscilla plays the flute. At some point, I need to follow up with her and ask whether getting up at 4 or 5 am in Washington has affected her thinking about sleeping in until 7! Priscilla also wins the award for appearing in the most photos with Governor and Mrs Ritter.]
Katrina: On Flag Twirling
[Katrina Hocking is a freshman member of the Visual Ensemble. She originally dictated this blog entry enroute to DC.]
Paul: Drumline
My mom was one of the people who came up with the idea of trying to get this band to Washington DC. She comes up with lots of ideas. Sometimes you think, "No way". And then her idea turns out to be a good one.
[Paul Fuerstenberger often helps move instruments other than his own on and off the field at MB competitions. He also added a certain excitement to the band directors' morning on Inauguration Day -- they know what I mean! ;^) His mom, Pat, is in the picture below with Paul and Governor Ritter.]
Ben: Stars and Stripes

Connor: Band Awesomeness
[Connor Netherton is quiet and unassuming but strikes a pose while playing and marching that epitomizes the "Pride of Windsor".]
Friday, January 23, 2009
Brian: The Other Award
[Brian Hasstedt is a mellophone player and has a quirky sense of humor. I asked him to write a blog entry with a twist!
After our Monday evening formal dinner, Brian was called upon to get the members of the Visual Ensemble smiling for their photo shoot. He performed a bit too brilliantly and had the young ladies squirming and laughing in tears by strutting around, imitating a British chicken squawking 'Allo Gubnah'.
He may have slept through the dinners because most people thought they were very good ;^)]
Rachelle: United we Stand.
Geoffrey: A Great Experience
Larissa: Freaking Fantastic
Wendy: Sweet Toppings
Back in May when the tornado hit, my mind had not the imagination to fathom this year. We had all our winning competitions and then we won the state championship, a feat in itself! Who needed Washington? Obviously, they needed us ;^).
I just want to thank my amazing community along with all of the parents, directors, and donations that made this once in a lifetime opportunity possible. Without you guys, our chances would be unobtainable.
I love you all! Wendy Jones.
[Wendy is a senior and captain of the Visual Ensemble. Her leadership, positive spirit and winning smile will be missed.]
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Daniel: CBS Early Show
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguaration evening
Inauguration afternoon/parade
Inauguration morning
Monday, January 19, 2009
Evan, Kyle and Betsy Markey
Gym Practice
Chelsea: Infrequent Flyer
Monday January 19
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Trip to Washington.
The trip began bright and early as students showed up at the High School at 6:00 am Saturday, Jan 17. The cooridors outside the bandroom were congested with the approximately 100 travelers completing luggage tags, eating breakfast, and performing the carefully orchestrated steps to ensure a complete and smooth departure.
The students boarded school buses for the drive to Denver International airport. We had a police escort out of town which was very exciting. Getting the royal treatment ain't all bad!
At DIA the students picked up lunch at one or another of the concourse "diners". The excitement in the waiting area grew as the the students first learned they had been invited to play for the Early Show on CBS on Monday morning. The downside? Waking up at 4:15 am to don uniforms and ride the buses from the hotel to the Washington DC Mall. The vast majority figured the cost was well worth the extra moment of fame.
The trip was very smooth. We ate dinner and now are settled in all snug at our hotel. It is soo exciti

The trip was very smooth. We ate dinner and now are settled in all snug at our hotel. It is soo exciting to be here and to be part of history.
Thank you to all for your help and support and a special hello to all of you following our blogs - hopefully we'll get some good pictures tomorrow!!! We have practice in the morning tomorrow. Good night!
Friday, January 16, 2009

Grandview Elementary School received a surprise visit by WHS Marching Band drum majors, Megan Minear and Tyler Mayle who visited music teacher, Sue Loucks' first period 5th grade music class. The drum majors taught the kids how the band is called to order and directed them in the William Tell Overature. Several in the class indicated an interest in joining the high school band programs someday. Who knows? A little investment by these WHS leaders today may have inspired some future band leaders!
The four elementary school principals, David Grubbs (Grandview), Dan Cox (Mountain View), Tammy Seib (Skyview), and Dan Seegmiller (Tozer) coordinated a "loose change" drive with the music staffs at their respective schools. The high school and middle school have also helped with

The Grandview 5th graders thanked their "Pride of Windsor" visitors by presenting the proceeds of Grandview's fund raising drive. The "future" in fact invested in the "present".