Words cannot express the excitement I felt when we won the State Championships, but I guess I'll try. I'm usually good at controlling my emotions, but this picture caught one of the moments in which I slipped. In 9th grade, I hadn't even dreamed that we would come this far, but to achieve this goal was an incredible experience. We practiced hard, we sweat a lot,

we froze almost as much, and we overcame obstacles that were placed in our way. We competed, and we proved to be the best. The only thing that could beat winning state would be marching in the Inaugeral Parade, but what are the odds of that? Just kidding. This has been a great year, and I won't be forgetting it anytime soon...or late, I guess. I'm proud of this band, and I'm honored to be a part of the Pride of Windsor. After all of that we've accomplished and worked hard for, nobody, I mean NOBODY, is allowed to say that marching band is not a sport.
[Tyler is a 3rd year drum major and real leader. He looks pretty controlled doesn't he? Click on the photo to view it large. It looks like he's biting his tongue to control his excitement! -- Editor]
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