Being a senior, this whole season has just been freaking fantastic. Looking back to my freshman year, I would have never seen myself where I am now. Especially with the DC trip. It was the most amazing experience I have ever experienced ... yeah. Anyway, I'd like to thank the community and everyone who supported us. I know we wouldn't have done what we did without you. I'd also like to let my fellow band members know that I love all of you so much. You all helped make my senior year as awesome as it was. I think of you all as family. Also, Drase and Claeys, I love you two. You are such a good team. I would follow you both into battle (or battle of the bands ... ha ha ha.) I'll miss everyone, but don't worry I will come back and visit.
Larissa Saxton
[Larissa plays the mellophone. During her junior year, she also was a drum major. She has a hysterical sense of humor and her friends used to call her 'Bob'.]
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